Starting with the Pacific, SharkSearch is creating a separate page for each Country and Territory that contains photographs of sharks and rays taken by divers in each country, and the current checklist of sharks and rays for that country. The aim is to produce up to four country checklists per year.
In 2017, we published our first species list and overview report for the Solomon Islands
In 2018, we began work on species lists and overview reports for Fiji, French Polynesia, Niue and Tuvalu, and the Federated States of Micronesia
In 2019, we began our first species lists and overviews in the Indian Ocean and South-east Asia
Click on the links below to visit the page for these countries and territories in the Pacific
COMPLETED - (2021) Queensland; (2015) Great Barrier Reef
Asia and SE Asia
FOR THE FUTURE - (2021-2022) (Taiwan); Timor-Leste (2022)
DRAFT COMPLETED - Singapore (2020-2021)
Existing resources - Philippines (2017), Thailand (2018)
COMPLETED - (2017) Solomon Islands
DRAFT COMPLETED - Fiji (2018), Vanuatu (2020-2021). New Caledonia (2020-2021)
FOR THE FUTURE - Papua New Guinea (compilation of existing resources)
DRAFT COMPLETED - (2018) Federated States of Micronesia, (2020) Palau, (2018) Kiribati
FOR THE FUTURE - Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Marshall Islands, Midway and Wake Islands
DRAFT COMPLETED - (2019-2022) Niue, Tuvalu, Tonga, French Polynesia, Samoa
FOR THE FUTURE - American Samoa, Cook Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Nauru, Tokelau, Wallis and Futuna
DRAFT COMPLETED - (2020) Mozambique
FOR THE FUTURE - Seychelles