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Fed. States of Micronesia
Checklist in progress in 2017
Federated States of Micronesia - Country Statistics
Land area*: 702 squared km
Population* (2017): 104,196
Population Growth* (2017): –0.5%
Visitors** (2014): 35,000
Marine area (EEZ)***: 2,992,415 squared km
Population density*** (2016): 150 persons/squared km land area
Urban population* (2017): 22.5%
GDP*** (2016): USD $ 3.22 billion
* CIA World Factbook
** UN Country Profile
*** Sea Around Us
**** World Bank
Research student: Ms Liz Kemp (James Cook University)
In-country partners: Julie Hartup (Micronesia Conservation Coalition)
Checklist of FSM sharks and rays
Current number of shark species
Current number of ray species
Current number of chimaera species
FSM shark and ray photos
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